Boom beach statues chart
Boom beach statues chart

  • The cost to boost increases the more boosts you use on a tribe.

    In order to use a boost more times than you already can, you must upgrade the tribe. You can use a tribe's boost any number of times, up to a maximum which is determined by the tribe's level.For instance, they may increase the health or damage of a particular defense, increase production of a particular resource, or increase a particular troop's health or damage. Each boost assists the war effort in some way.To use these boosts, you must use Raw Crystals that you have mined up. Each tribe provides a boost that will help some aspect of your war effort.Raw Crystals can be used to utilise a tribe's boost, improve the boost's power, or upgrade a tribe.To increase the storage capacity of Raw Crystals, you must unlock new tribes or upgrade tribes that are already helping you. You cannot mine Raw Crystals if your Raw Crystal Storage is full.This happens at the same time as the reset of the tribe boosts. The cost of mining Raw Crystals resets to 500,000 every two weeks.If this happens, you can still open trader crates to obtain the required resources.

    boom beach statues chart

  • The cost of mining Raw Crystals is not capped and if enough are mined with a particular resource, it will exceed the maximum storage capacity of that resource.
  • For instance, using 500,000 Stone to mine 100 Raw Crystals will not cause the amount of Gold required to mine 100 Raw Crystals to increase.
  • Mining Raw Crystals with one particular resource do not affect the costs of mining Raw Crystals with any other type of resource.
  • For example, if the cost to mine using a particular resource is 3,500,000 and you only have 1,000,000 of that resource, you cannot use Diamonds to buy the remaining 2,500,000 of that resource.
  • If the cost to mine is higher than the current amount of resources held, Diamonds cannot be used to buy the necessary difference.
  • Each time you mine, you will receive 100 Raw Crystals.
  • The initial mining costs 500,000 of a particular resource, and this increases by 500,000 every time you mine Raw Crystals with that particular resource.
  • The process is instantaneous, but the cost to mine the Raw Crystals increases the more you mine it.
  • There, you can exchange the four basic resources - Gold, Wood, Stone and Iron for Raw Crystals.
  • Raw Crystals can be mined from the Raw Crystal Mine, which is located next to your home base on the Archipelago.
  • If you tap on a tribe that is not ready to help you, the unexplored regions that are required to unlock the tribe will flash red. Unlocking the first Tribe will require a minimum of level 18 Radar, but to unlock all of the tribes, you need a level 20 Radar.
  • In order to get a tribe to help you, you must fully explore the area that the tribe covers.
  • boom beach statues chart

  • Lifewell Tribe, a tribe specialising in resource production and rewards.
  • Emberfury Tribe, a tribe specialising in attack.
  • Firespike Tribe, a tribe specialising in attack.
  • boom beach statues chart

    Frostbanner Tribe, a tribe specialising in defense.Iceguard Tribe, a tribe specialising in defense.Spiritdancer Tribe, a tribe specialising in support.Starting from the top-left corner of the map and going clockwise, they are: There are six tribes across the Archipelago.Tribes are friendly groups of non-player characters that help you in your quest against the Blackguard.And to make them for effective remember also to upgrade your Gunboat and place Energy statues, at least 1 Masterpiece, but a lot of people go for even more. So to conclude, if you ever have a choice to invest in upgrading your army units or other tactics / technologies always pick Barrage and Artillery first. Still a healthy portion of that damage goes exactly where you click so it matters. The Barrage is more difficult to calculate with because it is shooting a little bit all over the place, so the rule there is basically have as high Barrage as you can so it will also do damage to the surrounding towers and buildings. Then I can more efficiently use my energy and destroy a lot of defenses with it. For example, on the below picture you see my Artillery at level 17 is doing 3718 damage, which means I can 1-shoot-kill any 3500 health defensive tower or 2-shot-kill any tower below 7634 health. It is also important to pay attention to the exact amount of damage your Barrage and Artillery are doing because then you can calculate which towers you can take out with precisely the correct amount of energy.

    boom beach statues chart

    The reason for this is because if you are able to take down key enemy defenses just with Energy then even a weak army will be able to invade the beach and gain you the victory! Hey guys, a very important tip for Boom Beach is to prioritize your Armory upgrades of Barrage and Artillery above anything else.

    Boom beach statues chart